This volume of Ethnologia Slovaca et Slavica is dedicated to two main themes. The first of these is volunteering and voluntary activities, which are becoming more popular in our society and a significant part of social life. This is why it has been examined in a research project entitled Dobrovoľnícke aktivity a združovanie sa na Slovensku v 21. storočí (Voluntary Activity and Associating in Slovakia in the 21st Century) (VEGA 1/0943/14). The Department of Ethnology and Museology, based at the Faculty of Arts at Comenius University in Bratislava, was the main investigator of this project from 2014 to 2016. One of the project’s major outputs was a conference in June 2016, and three papers given at the conference are presented in this volume.
The second core theme is the ninetieth birthday of Ján Podolák, who was a major figure in Slovak ethnology, the founder of Ethnologia Slavica, and the founder of our department.
Autorské práva (c) 2017 Etnologia Slovaca et Slavica
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